On Friday 22 March 2002 08:45 am, Ben Stallings wrote:
> Now let's say you foresee this situation and do in fact install some sort
> of back door.  What software do you use?  How do you secure it so that
> other people don't hack her computer?  How do you make it easy enough for
> her to start when she needs to without being so obvious that she starts it
> unnecessarily?  --Ben

I would make sure that SSH is on it. SSH is secure so that people cant hack 
it- turn off root logins if you are really parinoid. Perhaps throw VNC up so 
you can check the GUI if you need to as well. Pretty much anything can be 
tunneled through SSH to make it secure. If she has a dynamic IP and you dont 
know what it is all the time, I suggest a cron job that makes a web request 
to a web server you run- if the URL is something unique, and it requested 
freqeuently enough, you should be able to spot it.  (You can use dyndns if 
you want, but I think the web request idea is more secure if that is what you 
are looking for, I could be wrong) 
