On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 09:16:17AM -0600, Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:
> next time try using mii-tool/mii-diag,

I don't recall having seen either mentioned in any of my searches for
information on it.  How long have they been around?

> you might also try manually
> setting your speed/duplex (tried reading the docs lately?)

It was a couple years ago; I was young, foolish, and blissfully
unaware of the kernel source's Documentation directory.  But, again,
none of my searches turned up anything on setting things manually
when using the stock 3c90x driver, only how to do it with 3Com's 905c
driver (which I didn't expect to do real well with a 905b, but I'll
admit I never got around to trying it).

> I'll take the 3com off your hands since it's such a crappy card =)

I'd be happy to trade it for an EEPro100 at the next installfest.

> As for the EEPro100's, I'm happy with them too, although the only ones
> I have left are quad and dual port compaq NC3131's (yum)

Where'd you find those and how much do they run?

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Tom Swiss