Shawn, I can appreciate your point, but consider this; MS Office, is actually a pretty decent package. Bloated yes, resource heavy, yes, but it runs like it should, it is used world-wide and it is multilingual. For example,. the Health Work Committees in Palestine can switch from Spanish to Arabic to English to German fairly easily with MS Word. Also, many administrators are 40+ and not exactly your most technologically savvy people so they learn one thing and stick with it. Enter Linux and Codeweavers. Hopefully this summer we'll get to start working on setting up a decent network for the main Medical Center. This would be best done using Linux, but you want to retain MS Office. (Ideally we'd have a Linux backbone and W2K terminals, but that costs mucho dinero.) Solution: Install Linux all over with multilingual capabilities and install the CrossOver Office plugin and run Word, Excel, Access, etc on top. Hopefully the CrossOver plugin is more stable than Windows itself. Also, this way local software developers will be able to modify Windows programs to work better with the plugin and hopefully learn to port their apps to Linux as Linux gains a greater toehold in the Middle East. (Or Africa or Central Asia for that matter) Red Kefiyyeh Linux anyone? Samir M. Nassar 'Open Source, Open Systems, Open Borders, Open Minds'