On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 07:20:15PM -0600, Bob Tanner wrote:

> Let me restate.
> We have the bandwidth, it's just that I prefer to give Real Time's paying
> customers preference to that bandwidth. Thus, I throttle ftp connections to
> gladiator since most of the bandwidth being consumed there is a "donation" to
> the open source community.

I wasn't implying that the bandwidth wasn't there, merely that it's better
to waste someone else's bandwidth on the ISO's and use Real Time's donated
bandwidth on things that are either harder to find, or simply easier to get
from there. Many sites mirror redhat stuff, I don't see a lot with apt'ified
repositories, or some of the other things being mirrored.

> Further, the 50Kb/s does not kick in until over 100Mb, so getting updates,
> kernels, and most everything does not incur the throttle penalty.

*nod*, a perfectly reasonable policy.

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
http://techmonkeys.org/~poptix                  GPG public key 0x01938203