> > What do you think? Maybe we can lend RedHat a hand by volunteering to
> > implement similar things in Twin Cities?
> >
> > That would be good to be done under the TCLUG umbrella.
> >
> > And yes I do care if my tax money gets "wasted" onto education vs.
> > onto M$ pile of ca$h.
> just for that last reason alone (not to mention the 'alleviate boredom'
> motivation) I'd be willing to volunteer some time working with Linux in a
> school.

That is the most refreshing piece of ANYTHING I've read in ages. I too would
be willing to volunteer in less than a new york second. You can learn a lot
from those kids.   :)  Minds like sponges soaking it all up, and it'd be
particularly fun to watch them soak this up. Think of the incentive to
think, alone.
At my daughters school they have 7th & 8th graders taking 2 "study halls" a
day because they don't have teachers. What a pathetic waste of a young mind.
The teachers they do have are becoming disgusted with cutbacks, no pay, etc
to the point that many of them are out of there pronto at the end of the
school day rather than hanging around helping/participating in extra
curricular activities, etc. like they used to in my day. Surely no one goes
into teaching k-12 for the big money, it's never been that way. One wonders
how bad it must be getting for even these folks to be fed up.