On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 08:31:32PM +0000, rotbau wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone out there has a good resource for 
> installing and configuring BIND in a chroot jail, also on 
> configuring zone files and such.
> I have searched google and found some OK sites and read the 
> MAN file, but I don't have any experience with BIND and 
> would like more information.  Also if there are any other 
> good and reliable DNS servers for Linux other than BIND I 
> would like to hear about them.  

Plenty of good stuff at The Linux Doco Project (www.tldp.org),
especially the NAG (Network Admin Guide) and the DNS Howto.

* trammell looks at tldp.org

There are also relatively recent HOWTOs on running chrooted

trammell at el-swifto.com | 78BA 706C C5F9 9321 E7C4 933B D063 907B A88E 924B
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