On Sat, 11 May 2002 Nicksteeler12 at cs.com wrote:

> so would i...but i have already offered to set up a unix (linux or freebsd 
> preferably) server for <a href="http://mncs.k12.mn.us">my school </a> (please 
> excuse my html if your email software cant read html) to use but they didnt 
> want to even give it a try.  but at least i put the offer out there...mabye 
> if i go ahead and configure a server this summer i could not only get credit 
> for it, if they like it, they may give it a try. it is a charter school, so 
> the students do get some say in what goes on in the school.

Did they give any reason for their ignorance? 

Mike Jentges
Jentges.Net, Inc.
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