To answer all of the questions thus far..

> The symptom makes it sound like your tcp packets are either (1) not 
> reaching the server, or (2) reaching the server, but the server is 
> unable to respond back to your client. Do you have any other ports
> being forwarded by your 678? Web or mail, perhaps, that you could 
> test? Have you verified that your server is able to reach the 'Net? 
> If not, do you have the correct default gateway setup? 

The server can connect to the 'net.

I don't have any of these other services running, SSH was my first project,
I figured I'd try and get that working so I can get help with the rest of it

> Sorry to hijack, but the 678 do NAT now? 

> Before they only did PAT

I'm sure its PAT, not "real" NAT, the modem calls it NAT so that's what I
put in my e-mail.

> Where are you trying to test it from? If you are tying to test it from 
> your inside network, that is your problem.  Routing gets messy when 
> doing that, and its generally considered not a Good Idea(tm).  Try 
> from a connection outside the network for testing.

I'm testing it from inside the network, and have also been bugging an ever
so patient friend from outside my network to test it, he is faced with the
same results...but knows nothing of the 678.

> Running iptables or ipchains? 

> Check /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny? 

I'm not running iptables or ipchains (that I know of?), what am I checking
for in these files?  They have no uncommented lines.  Do I need to add some
to hosts.allow in order for others to access SSH?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Tanner
To: tclug-list at
Sent: 5/21/02 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: [TCLUG] SSH and Cisco 678
Importance: High

Quoting Willenbring, Daniel J. (DJWILLENBRIN at
> When I try to connect to my public address (or ip) it stalls.  I ran
ssh -v
> -v -v and it gets just as far if I try to connect to a box that
> exist.  So I've narrowed it down to the modem (I think).  Are there
> tricks to get the 678 to correctly forward those requests?  How can I
> troubleshoot this or test it?

Running iptables or ipchains?

Check /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny?
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