I'm setting up some virtual hosts on Apache and running into a few issues.

I'm using the default config with RH6.2 so all my stuff is stored in
/home/httpd.  The default website is stored in /home/httpd/html/ and works
spledidly.  I can create .htaccess and .htpasswd files without issue.  I
can create a directory and browse to it through a browser.  Life is good.

The I created a virtual server and things aren't so peachy.  First thing I
noticed, if I create a directory and try to browse to it I am 
"forbidden".  If I put an index.html file in this directory, all is 
good.  If I put .htaccess and .htpasswd files in this directory, they fail
to stop me.  Are there some extra options I need to throw into my
<VirtualHost> section to make this stuff work?
