On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 09:57:59AM -0500, nate at refried.org wrote:
> I use a playlist daemon called moosic which works pretty well.  It's
> written in Python so it's easily hackable.  I keep 1500+ songs in the
> playlist and it only takes up 2M of ram.  I'd prefer something that
> automatically recycles songs, but since I only have to restart it every
> other week, I don't care yet.  :)

root      7377  2.1  0.4  3520 2224 pts/1    S    11:27   0:0 mpg123 -@ mp3.m3u

7,036 songs in the playlist..

root      7436  2.8  0.2  2284  992 pts/1    S    11:30   0:00 mpg123 -@ mp3.m3u

1,500 songs in the playlist

It also supports randomizing the playlist, playing forever.. well, just
see the help:

Usage: mpg123 [options] file(s) | URL(s) | -

Options supported:
   --verbose or -v          Increase verbosity
   --quiet or -q            Quiet mode (no title or boilerplate)
   --gain N or -g N         Set gain (audio volume) to N (0-100)
   --skip N or -k N         Skip N frames into the file
   --verbose or -v          Be more verbose in playing files
   -o dt                    Set output devicetype to dt [esd,alsa,arts,sun,oss]
   --audiodevice N or -a N  Use N for audio-out
   --stdout or -s           Use stdout for audio-out
   --au N                   Use au file N for output
   --cdr N                  Use wave file N for output
   --wav N or -w N          Use wave file N for output
   --test or -t             Test only; do no audio output
   --list N or -@ N         Use playlist N as list of MP3 files
   --random or -Z           Play files randomly until interrupted
   --shuffle or -z          Shuffle list of files before playing
   -R                       Use remote control interface
   --aggressive             Try to get higher priority
   --help or --longhelp     Print this help screen
   --version or -V          Print version information

> http://nanoo.org/~daniel/moosic/
> Nate

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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