On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Bob Tanner wrote:

> Anyone know of any "enterprise" level virus scanners for linux?
> Something that will work for thousands of mailboxes?

several people have suggested different options on the software to to

	I would suggest that as you make a decision, keep scaleability in
mind.  if you need 4000 mailboxes today, what's to say you're not going to
need 5 or 6000 next month.
	Put a simple ip sprayer in front of your virus scanning machines,
or just a round-robin DNS entry, this solves 2 problems, - if you only
find that a virus scanning tool can only handle say, 2000 mailboxes, then
you just have two of them, and secondly, if you loose one of them, your
still operational, just slow. this also allows for easy growth, if you
need to go to 6000 mailboxes, add another scanner & add its ip to the
round robin.

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