On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Christopher Howard wrote:

> How do I set up so a user can write to /win98/doc, a vfat partition
> containing the "Documents" folders.  The vfat partition wont take
> new ownership or permissions.  Is there any way to work around this
> so regular users can write to those partitions?

vfat partitons ( as you may have noticed) retain the owner:group of the
user that mounted the partition.

you can allow a non-root user to mount a vfat partition with a fstab entry
like mine below -

/dev/hda5               /dosd           vfat    defaults,user   0 0

if your looking for only certain users to be allowed to use the partition,
you *might* be able to do this by creating a user with a new group called
"vfat" ( or whatever) and then using that user to mount the directory with
permissions allowing group writable (0775) then add the specific users to
the group "vfat" and it *should* work.

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