Hi gang- Ive been running my imap-s server for a while with a self signed cert. (using the mkimapcert script from courier-imap.) Im switching my users over to imap-s and they are gonna be wierded out by the security warning messages about it not being a valid cert. My question is this: Has anyone any experiece with using a vaild x.509 cert for imap-s with courier-imap? The readme talks about how you need a vaild one to make thoes go away, but nothing about how to generate a cert that courier-imap wants (with the correct pieces coming from a CA). [an x.509 cert is the same thing as an ssl cert from verisign|tucows|whomever, right?] btw, the format of the imapd.pem that i currently have/use is -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY------ asdflkajsr21f23-09falskjvcas09ejcvw <snip> -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-------- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE --------- afj ;ls98faw90eeeeeeeeeejlk;avcngs8 <snip> -----END CERTIFICATE ----------- -----Begin DH PARAMETERS-------- jalskdfas8887vy23u2n3lLKjcv8wu90823j <snip> -----END DH PARAMETERS---------- so, im used to ssl certs to use with apache, and this one is different. esp. the HD parameters. thanks.