On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 nassarsa at redconcepts.net wrote:

> I understand that we all have our affiliations, and I have no problem with
> mentioning them in sigs, but do we really need to make potentially
> offensive political statements in our sigs?
> When your sig trancends mere affiliation or affinity marking and goes into
> being offensive then you've crossed the line of list manner and good
> behaviour.
I'm willing to accept that people will have opinions (like the one above)
that I consider offensive.

I will also accept that I have opinions that others find offensive.
Many, many offensive opinions here.

You can express your offensive opinion as long as you don't try to stop
me from expressing mine.

OBOnTopic: Scott McNealy was right, Linux _is_ a bathtub of code.
It is just a better bathtub than most of the rest of the garbage out

Daniel Taylor
dante at plethora.net