On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, rpgoldman at real-time.com wrote: > > Can anyone suggest what would be the best WAP + wireless PCI cards for > me to buy for a linux system? More specifically for a network of about > 5 boxen, mostly linux but with one or two windowses [we hates it, my > precious]. for desktop boxen, get pretty much any card on a plx adaptor, and then get the hostap drivers (google.com) this is the important part make sure you have the kernel-sources for your runnig kernel, (for redhat, this means installing the kernel sources and editing the makefile, and the forth line down or so is says: EXTRAVERSION = -nncustom <---- remove the custom, (unless that is what you are running) make menuconfig (and quit immediately afterwards, there nothing we are going to change) make dep in the hostap tree you may have to edit the Makefile to point to the kernel tree make plx make install_plx modprobe hostap_plx from here you can use the iwconfig tools to configure the wireless card, iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed (by default it comes as an AP) iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid> iwconfig wlan0 key <key> ifconfig wlan0 <ip> up <--- or for redhat use netconfig -d wlan0 for pcmcia you will need to download the pcmcia-cs sources.... but should otherwise be the same Munir Nassar RedConcepts.NET