I'm looking for some removable storage, primarily for distro-isos. I don't want to store them on the laptop, but I do want to keep them on some removable device that I can plug into the laptop and transfer the needed isos. Nows the hard part. I have a couple options that look promising. 1. USB 2.0 hard drive. I'd need to get a pcmcia card for this and figure out how big a storage unit I would need. I've read the USB 2.0 support document (thx tim) and other than the support for the actual pcmcia card, this looks like it could work well with (probably) only minor issues. 2. I ran into a neat little toy at CompUSA that uses a Firewire connection and allows you to basically have an external IDE bay. This looks promising in that I can get a standard HD (much cheaper than the USBs, or laptops), and if I needed to do more storage options, any IDE device would hook up to this. My problem with this is Linux support. I've never heard of this device before, and I don't know how linux would use this. Would it be loaded as an IDE bay, or would I have to mess with FireWire settings and such? Just wondering if anyone here has any advice for some removable storage on a laptop, or just want to share some success/horror stories. Thanks again. Chris Frederick