So I have just gotten asked to do my first freelance consulting gig. 
I'll be setting up an Apache/Tomcat environment for a company, but 
that's beside the point.

I figure that there are at least a few people on the list that have done 
private consulting before, and I'd like to ask for advice, as I'm pretty 
ignorant to the whole process.

I know that they'll just cut me a check, and I'll have to declare that 
income on next year's tax return.

Do I need to write up a contract beforehand?
Is there any legalities that I need to be careful of?
Should I get a partial payment before starting?
etc., etc., etc.

There's a thousand more questions I could ask, but I guess I'll start 
with these.

Thanks in advance!
-Erik Anderson

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at