On Tue, 8 Apr 2003, Shawn wrote:
> I've been after this same thing for a while.  Some people here mentioned 
> that FreesWan works, but I tried a couple of times and couldn't get it 
> to work.  Nor have I been able to devote much time to it either.

 Well, according to the FreeS/WAN interoperability page for 1.99 [1], 
compatibility with Nortel Conitivity is "partial" with PSK, and evidently 
it's supported with X.509 under 2.00-pre4 [2].  Alas, no RSA SecurID, so 
it won't work for Jay.  FreeS/WAN does support NAT traversal with a patch, 


1. http://www.freeswan.org/freeswan_trees/freeswan-1.99/doc/interop.html
2. http://www.freeswan.org/freeswan_trees/freeswan-2.00-pre4/doc/interop.html

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