On Wednesday 16 April 2003 5:38 pm, Amy Tanner wrote:
> We have an oracle database which I'd like to move to an open-source
> database.  Based on talking with the DBA, we have less than 100 Oracle
> pl/sql packages.  Which database would be easiest to migrate to?  Are
> there migration utilities to make this easier?
> Anyone else tackled this?

I don't have any direct experience with this (Never worked in an Oracle 
environment) but you might want to check into the work of the OpenACS project 
(http://www.openacs.org) Phil Greenspun's original ACS was based on Oracle, 
the OpenACS group moved it to PostgreSQL. I believe that there is a PL/SQL 
work-alike mode for Postgres or you can convert to TCL/Perl/Python if you 
want. (Requires rebuilding Postgres with proper languages linked in.) 

Hope this helps.

Jack Ungerleider
jack at jacku.com

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