I just found out how to get PHP to work on my system (SuSE 8.1 on AMD system). 
I use Quanta to create/edit a file, save it with the ".php" extension, and 
then go to Konsole, log in as SU, and copy the file from 
/home/marco/public_html/filename.php and place it in /srv/www/htdocs, then 
open Konqueror web browser and go to http://localhost/filename/php.

How come this procedure isn't documented anywhere in easy steps like this, and 
how come it doesn't say I need to be in superuser mode in order to even get 
the file saved in the /srv/www/directory? I've been trying for a month at 
least, and lost a lot of self-worth over this issue.

Oh, well, I'm happy now. Thanks for your patience.


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