That is exactly what qwest did to me. Very annoying.

I made some headway there by treating this as a 
service issue (ie. I wanted some service). Eventually 
they connected me with some "yes" people, but that 
went nowhere fast. I don't know if that was because 
I did not pursue it (because I was experiencing a 
"lack of funding" problem at the time) or what.

Eventually, I asked Covad to see if they could do 
something for me. They, to my surprise, said yes and 
after only a small delay got things installed and running.

Immediately after that, qwest emailed me (I was on 
their "contact me when I can get DSL" list) to say that 
they could offer me DSL services. Oh yay! Talk about 
not deserving my business.

>>> eibner at 04/21/03 01:07PM >>>
I'm getting very annoyed by qwest not wanting to tell me why I can't
qualify for dsl. They wont tell me if it's line-quality or wheter there's
filters on the line somewhere. When will dsl become a public utility?
(Don't even bother answering, I know what the answer is).

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