My bro got a bunch of these from an auction.
If you don't know what it is...
16port terminal server, AUI/BNC 10baseT - supports telnet, bootp, tftp.
They don't have the OS flash cards but can be booted via tftp/bootp.
I've heard, but don't have proof or linkage, that you can use other 2mb
flash cards for these.  If you can get a flash card that works you can
use the xyplex to flash the OS to the card also.

I don't have specifics on the amount of ram per each.  At least 1mb
They can be upgraded to 5mb.  These take standard 1MB 30-pin peasea

The boot flash is quite hard to get (old linear-style) but they do boot
happily over the network via MOP, tftp, or XMOP.

Some links I do have on configuration and software -

He want's $40/each (includes shipping for Cont. USA).

Mail me off list if yer interested.

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at