> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2224395.stm
> I have an amazing coincidence to report:  the Swedish hijacker is an
> Arab,  travelling to an Islamic conference, in Birmingham, England.
> Who wudda thunk it?
> --
> Under the existing [Arab] regimes, the fight against corruption is like
> a fighting capitalism in the U.S. or Catholicism in the Vatican.
>     -- Dr. Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Effendi

First of all, it it is thought, not thunk.

Second, for racist comments I believe they have other mailing lists.

I refer you to: Aryan Nation, Knights of the KKK, and White Aryan
resistance. I believe you can find that trash by googling. They all seem
to be equal opportunity racists though, so YMMV.
Third, I missed the Linux relevance of the article, I would be greatly
appreciative if you'd point that out.
Fourth, in order to spare the rest of the list, how about just forgetting
this incident happened and not talk about it? It'll be our secret and we
won't talk about it again.
Samir M. Nassar
"Open Source, Open Systems, Open Borders, Open Minds"