On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 10:35:45PM -0400, STEVEWABC at netscape.net wrote:
> The point I was getting at here Is other then the problems I'm having 
> with trying to find a database that I can learn on and Networking which 
> I see as a real pain and The cd burning.. Thats only 3 problems out of 
> everything Libranet2.8 does, I saw "WOW "That it? 

Just as a note, some thanks does go to the Debian team. Libranet is 

> Yes I payed alot of money setting up my office and trying to learn to do 
> the same at home here on my own time..   

Sure, there is a cost associated with switching to anything.  Fortunately, 
you were still able to save 13K.  Next year won't be so bad.

I suggest you take 2 of that 13k and donate it to a project that will 
improve the way you do business.  Many are setup as non-profits, so there 
is a tax break for you.  Make sure you send a letter with your check 
that explains why you like the program and what you need from it in 
the future. 

Next year, when you are saving much more, donate to two or three projects.  
Again, a tax shelter that benefits you in the end.

That money is going to get you some people who know you by name and will 
be *very* responsive to your posts on their mailing list.  This could save 
you weeks over the course of a year.

For better mileage on your donation to a project, divide it up into a few 
chuncks and dish it out with personalized thank you letters over the 
course of the year.  "Thank you for helping with problem X ....  Take this 
donation as a token of my gratitude. Keep up the excellent work!"

> Now with that said lets take one thing at a time here, Database I will 
> explain the way I built mine First..Which is using a GUI from 
> filemakerPro. all I had to do was make my page layouts and then match 
> everything up and send it to were ever I wanted by linking them very 
> easy When I look at mysql there is alot of command line stuff or should 
> I say scripting..And maybe I just dont no what a real database is...Can 
> anyone help with this? or point me in the way I should be going?  

I like this tool for many things:


If you like that tool, you may want to make a donation or two there:


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