Mark Courtney writes:
> I've got each virtual domain's stats working alright and I've created
> a CustomLog for each virtual that goes into a master request log for
> all the domains.  The problem is that Webalizer is using url's
> relative to / for the stats, so everything that goes into the master
> request log seems like it's from the same domain.

You need a way to separate each virtual domain in the logs.  Logging to a
single file is best for performance, so you should keep it that way.  What
you want to do is prepend the hostname to each entry in the log file.

To do this with Apache, copy the "combined" LogFormat directive and name it
vcombined.  Add "%V " to the front the log format and set "UseCanonicalName"
to "no".  Then set your CustomLog lines to use the "vcombined" format.

When you want to generate stats, you split the log files out by hostname.
I've attached a program called logsplit to do this.  It outputs separate
files for each hostname.  Pipe your log file into it.  Then process the log
file for each hostname separately.  See question 17 of the Webalizer FAQ for
more info.

David Phillips <david at>
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