> [much biased]
> I believe apache.org is much of a testimony to Apache being able to handle
> the load for whatever Duncan can throw at it 1).  
> What Duncan needs to make sure is that he has the pipe that can serve it
> and as you point out, enough memory to have enough childs running.
> 1) http://www.apache.org/server-status
>    3788 GB over the last 20 days, which is about 8 GB/hour or about 2MB/s
>    (byte, not bit). And this is without a new release within those 20 days
>    afair) 

wow. thats a lot of traffic. I really hope we dont have that much, or 
well go broke!

any special considerations to keep in mind hardware wise? was thinking 
some fast drives, in raid10, and that CPU wouldnt really matter all that 
much.  am i off?


Duncan Shannon
Non-Profit Web hosting and design

Twin Cities Linux Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org