Cingular doesn't offer service in the Twin Cities.

I've been using AT&T for nearly a year now, without any real problems.
My rate isn't cheap, but it's better than what I had with Verizon
previously. The service is better than what I saw with Verizon, as well.
Still, I wouldn't say it's anything to go ga-ga over. Neither is
Verizon. The only bad thing I can really say about AT&T (and this is
second-hand info) is that mLife service still sucks inside the cities.
Outside the cities you get normal TDMA (I think that's what AT&T is...)
*if* your phone is capable of it. Some of them are

01 (my two bits)

>>> natecars at 05/02/03 10:50AM >>>
On Fri, 2 May 2003, mjn wrote:
> I am curious about what people out on the list are using for mobile
> phone providers. Does anyone have a company/service they swear by or
> swore at alot? I am thinking of getting a phone and I have no idea
> has the best support, calling area, whatever for the TC.
> What do you use? What would recommend to your worst enemy?

Sprint's ok. Kinda expensive now.
Also had good luck with T-Mobile. If you get out of the digital area,
outta luck, though. (Sprint has Analog Roaming at like $.50/min)

I'd avoid AT&T and Cingular (not sure they even offer service in this
state, though) personally.

Nate Carlson <natecars at>   | Phone : (952)943-8700                | Fax   : (952)943-8500

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at