On Sun, May 04, 2003 at 08:45:55AM -0500, Peter Clark wrote:
>	I was reading up on the Linux file system layout 
>(http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/chap_03.html) and wonder just _how_ 
>difficult it would be to remap the structure, say into a OSX-like layout. 
>Well, I guess this would require everything to be patched and recompiled (not 
>a problem for Gentoo users, right? :) Has anyone ever tried this? Well, while 
>I'm dreaming, I would also patch all programs that store data in 
>$HOME/.program-name-rc to $HOME/.dotfiles/.program-name-rc or something like 
>that. Any other ideas? 
How odd.  That is one of the things I don't like about OSX, its file
structure.  Is there some particlual reason you want to do this?  Or is
it the reason why I find myself doing silly things. BECAUSE I CAN. hehe

As far as the logisistics of doing this...  I suspect it will be less
than simple.  However, I have never tried such a task, so I really don't
know.  Well, at least not if you want to do things like use a package
manager to install/update packages, or remembering to set all the
--prefix and such lines correctly when you compile new software.

I bet it will keep you busy though. :)
Linux Administrator || Technology Specialist || Wifi Engineer
http://autonomous.tv/~spencer/resume/ || spencer at autonomous.tv
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