On Thu, 08 May 2003, Shawn wrote:

>   This is a little off topic, but looking for some help on Apache.  I'm trying to run multiple servers on apache, via name instead of port.  I've followed both the O'Rielly Apache book and the apache website instructions for setting this up.  However, I'm evidently missing something.  Here's what I get when it starts:

How about this?

NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs/domain1
    ServerName domain1.com
    ErrorLog /var/www/domain1
    CustomLog /var/www/domain1-access_log common
<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/htdocs/domain2
    ServerName domain2.net
    ErrorLog /var/www/domain2
    CustomLog /var/www/domain2-access_log common

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