$0.99 isn't saving me that much if I want to buy a whole CD though. Still
$12-$15 for a full CD, but the CD didn't have to be made, the booklet
printed, everything put into a jewel case, then add in package theft
prevention, shrink wrap the whole thing, warehouse it. Ship it out to
vendor wearhous. Vendor wearhous ships to branch stores, branch stores add
more theft prevention, and shove it on shelves.

They cut out all that, and still change $0.99 a song? That's as big of not
bigger racket than eBooks, IMHO.

Yes my palm pilot still has six eBooks loaded on it.

But, is the bandwith and servers needed to do this really equal to the
costs of producing media and getting the media on to store shelves?

And only 128? :( (Not that I'd notice though the buuuuuzzzz produced my my
hardware anyway, but still!)

If I end up getting a Mac I might try it, but I'll still be wondering why
it is I'm bending over. Oh, easy access to my wallet? I that all? Hmmm...

Andrew S. Zbikowski | http://www.ringworld.org
Linux is not an Operating System.

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