On Thursday 15 May 2003 12:45 am, Bob Tanner wrote:
> I'm trying to lock down ltsp, and there is one packet that I don't
> understand:
> PROTO=UDP SPT=711 DPT=4002 LEN=88
> Now this is mount on the lstp client trying to talk to mountd (4002) on the
> lstp server.
> I have mountd locked to run on 4002, but why is mount grabbing 711 as it's
> source port?

Following along here:


I tried this:

# mount -t nfs -o tcp,port=7777 ,mountport=8888 nfs:/home /mnt/nfs

The way I read the mount manual port should let me specify the SPT.

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.mn-linux.org, Minnesota, Linux | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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