what kind of zip drive?  internal IDE? external SCSI or external
parallel port?

Setting up Iomega ZIP parallel port drive:
1. Zip drive uses /dev/sda4 so:		ln -s /dev/sda4 /dev/zip

2. Add following to /etc/fstab:
/dev/zip        /mnt/zip        vfat    noauto	 0 0

3. Uses ppa.o kernel module (parallel port adapter)
        insmod /lib/modules/<kernel-ver>/scsi/pppa.o

4. mkdir /mnt/zip
5. mount /mnt/zip; use the drive; when done umount /mnt/zip

If it's scsi, your scsi controller should see the device on boot up,
assuming the device is connected and powered up when you boot your pc.
check 'dmesg|more'

Not sure about how the IDE internal one show up.  I thought as a special
kind of floppy but I could be wrong.

Marc Olivier wrote:
> Hello. 
> I'm running SuSE Linux 8.1 and can't get my Zip drive recognized and mounted. 
> I've gone into YAST 2, but I get nowhere. Anyone else have this problem and 
> how do I fix it? I am now at the stage I am creating files I'd like to save 
> elsewhere in case I crash my hard drive. (I have windows on another 
> partition). 
> Marc
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