> 	Ok, WHY does much of the open source community hate the guy that
> wrote Qmail.  His views, his license, what?

Its not so much him people dislike, its the zealots that push his outdated
code because they think its then end-all-be-all.

People are very vehement about what software they like and dislike
especially in the area of editors, shells, muas, and mtas. Qmail is the
source of extreme love or hatred depending on your experiences.

Certain people seem to love DJB so much that every single post they make
to list is laced with disdain for any other piece of software and riddled
with cr.yp.to urls. Frankly its getting very tiresome.

Ben Lutgens
System Administrator / Has Been / Complete Moron

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org