
This is largely unrelated to Linux, but people might be interested.

There are many times when I like to read "printable" versions of
articles on the web, as regular articles are often pretty cluttered with
ads and just crummy formatting.

However, printable articles often go the other way, lacking enough
formatting to be very readable.  My main complaint is that printable
articles get to be way too wide to read very easily.  From what I
understand, humans generally find it easiest to read text that is
between 60 and 80 characters wide (TeX and LaTeX default to 60
characters, IIRC).

I came across a fairly simple way to make this easier with stylesheets. 
Many browsers let you specify your own sets of stylesheets (presumably
for a purpose like this).

In Galeon 1.2.10 (which I'm running at the moment, naturally), you
specify this in the Rendering->Fonts/Colors tab of the preferences
window.  To enable it on the page you are viewing, go to
View->Stylesheet->[your file].  You may also need to go through and turn
off any existing stylesheet by doing View->Stylesheet->None (usually set
to Default on pages that have stylesheets)

Anyway, after hunting around the web for a while, I came up with a tiny
stylesheet.  The code below specifies that the body of the document
should be 80 characters wide (actually, 80 times the height of an 'x'
character).  The margin definition tells the browser to automatically 
horizontally center the body in the middle of the screen.

Put the code below into a text file.  I've actually expanded the code
for readability, you can really just make it a one-liner file if you

    BODY {
           width: 80ex;
           margin: 0px auto;

Anyway, hope that wasn't too confusing.  Have a nice day.

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   Any wire cut to length will
/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   be too short.
\_||_/|_||_|_\\___/  \_-_/|_|\__\|_|_\ __)  
[ Mike Hicks | http://umn.edu/~hick0088/ | mailto:hick0088 at tc.umn.edu ]
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