I have 3 laptops that I would like to get rid of:

One is a Sony slimtop, PIII 550.  10GB drive, 128 of ram.  Battery 
needs some replacing, and I don't have the external cdrom, so you'd 
have to do a network install on it or borrow someone's external cdrom.  
I think Munir has one.  :)  $400 firm (I could get more on ebay for it, 
but I'm lazy)

One is a Dell PII 266 I think.  Don't have it in front of me, but if 
you're interested, drop me a line and I'll get you more details.  No 
price right now until I can look at it and remember everything it has.

The last one is a uber-sweet Toshiba Pentium 90.  It's beigish/gray and 
the pointer has a mind of it's own sometimes.    But it plays mp3's 
just fine, and makes a nice countertop web browser.  $75/obo

Just got my shiny new iBook G4, and I don't need these anymore.  :)

Oh, I also have 2 3com Audreys.  $90 each.  One was just taken out of 
the box a couple of days ago.  http://www.audreyhacking.com has some 
nice info on them.


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