My employer is about it issue me a new laptop with built-in support
for 802.11[abg].  I'm thinking about getting a wireless access point
for home.  Anyone have any suggestions for inexpensive local sources?

I only _need_ the WAP - but I'm willing buy a box with hub/router
capability built-in.  I probably don't really need better than b,
because my outbound DSL pipe is (IIRC), 640/128.  OK, the Linux box
may have a 100MB card in it, and the inside connection to my Cisco 675
claims to be 100MB, but those are the only pieces in the home network
that currently supports greater than 10MB.  I have one data transfer
that I'm going to be doing sometime in the nearish future that might
be able to take advantage of a higher bandwidth, but I'm willing to
move ~3GB over my 10MB pipe.  It's just text (my e-library), and if it
takes several hours, so what?

Scott Raun
sraun at

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at