Friday, March 12, 2004   @   1:05:17 PM Central Standard Time

Hi.  I was asked today about what I thought about using Linux in
schools for children to use & learn.
I of course said I thought it would be great.
I honestly never put much though into the Linux/Children scenario, as
I do not currently have children.

I was wondering if anyone knew off the top of the heads about a
distro, and or software for linux, that is more geared for children &
or early (grade school) levels.  Please don't spend anytime looking
this up.  I'm just being lazy & will do that myself, but just curious
if anyone heard of anything like this.

I kinda think in a way, since kids are "innocent", and free thinking
when they are so young, it would be cool/easy to just add "BASH 101"
in between Spelling in the 2nd hour & Gym in the 4th Hour.  They
wouldn't know any better any ways.  Then by high school level, we
(secretly if needed) start introducing small tastes of engineering
upon them.  Brain children enter college & begin to create great
things all running on Linux I assure you.
End result, in 20 Years from now I can call me Friend, and
let him know "I just upgraded my toilettes kernel to the latest 8.12.2,
and it is flushing well again, thanks for the advice :)"

Sorry for day dreaming....


Robert (aka B_o_B) David Felix De Mars
West Longitude 90' 15' 43"

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