Long story, but I just deleted everything in /root. I have never really needed to recover anything in linux, so the tools are new to me. I tried recover and debugfs, but they show "0 deleted inodes found". Debugfs /dev/sda2 shows: 2 (12) . 2 (12) .. 11 (20) lost+found 9388033 (12) boot 16875521 (12) dev 18268161 (12) proc 8568833 (12) sys 546237 (28) .autofsck 18186241 (12) var 6963201 (12) tmp 8896513 (12) etc 7716866 (12) root 1605633 (12) usr 14827521 (12) lib 11567105 (12) bin 19005441 (12) home 18497537 (16) initrd 17121281 (12) mnt 3162113 (12) opt 11911169 (12) sbin 7274497 (16) selinux 2048001 (12) misc 5832705 (16) tftpboot 6733825 (20) .automount 32769 (12) udev 4407298 (64) data 15 (3688) .fonts.cache-1 Any idea how to successfully retrieve the data? Raymond