On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 08:16:16PM -0600, Steve Swantz wrote:
> I'm sure this will be easy for someone, but I'm not finding it now...
> I have a perl program that  normally runs by cron, but occasionally
> manually. I want to handle the output differently depending on how it
> is run. Yes, I could add a flag to the arguments, but I seem to
> remember there being a more fundamental way to determine at runtime.
> Anyone know?

Let me make your question more general...  "How to tell if a program
is running interactively".  I'm not aware of any simple way to test
specifically whether you're running under cron[1], but, if you're
running from cron, the program will be non-interactive and if you're
running manually from a shell, it will be interactive.


sub running_interactively {
  return -t STDIN && -t STDOUT;

and then:

if (running_interactively()) {
  # behave in a console-appropriate manner
} else {
  # do stuff like you would when run from cron

[1]  I suppose you could recursively check your parent PID and use ps
or similar to look up that process to see if it's cron, but a) I
wasn't able to quickly find a way to determine PPID, b) even if I
could, it probably wouldn't work for ancestors beyond your direct
parent, and c) I doubt that it would be worth the trouble in any

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