On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:59:09AM -0600, Shawn Fertch wrote:
> The concern is whether or not an OpenSSH sshd_config file can be
> standardized, and implemented across the various systems/platforms
> with OpenSSH.  At the moment, SSH2 isn't part of the scope.
> Some here are saying it's possible.  I've taken the stance that it's
> not good business practice to build a single sshd_config file for all
> platforms.  Instead, I'm proposing one sshd_config per platform.  So,
> at the moment, I have the task of proving my point about building per
> platform/version being the correct way to do it.

It seems to me that this plan should work fine.  The only
differences between platforms should be platform specific path
differences and differences due to running different versions of
OpenSSH across the platforms.  You should be able to use the same
config across all boxes of a single config.

Jim Crumley                  |Twin Cities Linux Users Group Mailing List (TCLUG)
Ruthless Debian Zealot       |http://www.mn-linux.org/ 
Never laugh at live dragons  |