dan wrote:

>This is veering slightly off-topic, but I've used the Firefox 1.5 beta
>on Linux and OS X and it works very well -- quite snappy. Many
>extensions don't work yet, but I presume that will be fixed soon.

Actually, I have found most extensions work just fine - but you have to 
manually enable them.  Assuming that you had a bunch of extensions 
installed before your upgrade to the latest beta, go to
<profile folder>/extensions/<extension folder>/install.rdf

And then find the appropriate <maxVersion> tag, and change it from 
"1.0+" (or whatever it happens to be) to "1.5+"

Restart Firefox, and magically, the extensions work.

The file <profile folder>/extensions/Extensions.rdf serves as a map from 
the "nice" extension name to the appropriate hex-labeled extension folder.


Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic Rochester