The mirror requires just under 2TB.


Erik Anderson wrote:

>On 1/17/06, William Bear <bear at> wrote:
>>The mirror has been down for awhile.  The original admins who were
>>working on the mirror left the University, and the project was in
>>limbo.  Recently, we've started working on the mirror again, but are
>>unable to get Linux to play nice with the University SAN.  dm-multipath
>>would not work properly with the EMC Clariion hardware, and EMC's
>>PowerPath software doesn't seem any better.  We have a limited amount of
>>time to work on the mirror, but we hope to have it up soon.
>Hrm - bummer.  Thanks for the explanation.  Good luck.
>BTW, how much disk does it take to mirror
>TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
>tclug-list at

William Bear
School of Mathematics
University of Minnesota
W: 612-625-2309
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