On Sun, 5 Mar 2006, Florin Iucha wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 05, 2006 at 09:10:45AM -0600, Mike Miller wrote:
>> Sadly, the Ubuntu CDs did not make an appearance.  In fact, I was 
>> surprised to hear from one of the organizers that he didn't even know 
>> what Ubuntu was.  Was he kidding?
>> Anyway, we lugged our computer out there, drove 15 miles, and were very 
>> disappointed.
> You should have shouted louder: I had two ubuntu amd64 cds and I had the 
> i386 cds pass through my hands on a couple of occasions. Also, there 
> were people with cd burners that could have cooked more if need be.

Maybe next time.  I guess people should walk into the room and start 
yelling, literally, about what they want.  I was told to talk to the man 
in the black shirt.  Someone thought he was in charge.  He thought Ubuntu 
was a funny name, but that was all he knew about it.  So I left.

If you had someone in charge of directing installees to installers, that 
could help.

In some ways it was a success because there were quite a few people there 
at 2:00 when we arrived.
