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Steve wrote:

> Now we are getting to the problem; the computers have MS Windows 2000
> Pro as OS and most have only 15 gig hard drives (a couple only have 2
> gig drives - those probably won't be used).  The boxes are password
> protected and the pw's are not always available.  So my thinking is to
> reformat & install Linux (my experience is quite limited).
> I have downloaded Ubuntu 5.10 at home, wrote to a CD and installed on a
> box.   It works great but required considerably more than 15 gigs.

You have got to be kidding. Did you install the kitchen sink too?

Ubuntu 5.10, AMD64 (larger binaries than x86)
dtaylor at morden:~$ df -h .
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             230G  9.0G  221G   4% /
dtaylor at morden:~$ du -sh ~ /usr/src /usr/local
5.8G    /home/dtaylor
1.1G    /usr/src
113M    /usr/local

dtaylor at morden:~$

That's 2GB of OS files including OpenOffice, Firefox, Mozilla, Gimp, and
several other major packages including development environments that
will not be needed for your intended environment.

If you just go with the basic install, all Gnome for Ubuntu or all KDE
for Kubuntu, there should be no problem at all fitting everything in. If
you use the Gnome Office suite instead of OOo and skip the development
environments and Gimp it should all install nicely on the 2GB disk systems.

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