i quite often find myself using thunderbird on the local machine but firefox on some other machine via vnc, with twm as my window manager. twm because of the tiny footprint, versatile icon placement, and recovery of screen RE. firefox via vnc because of mozilla bloat and old machines, and so i can continue the same session regardless that i am constantly travelling from one screen to another. the accordant annoyance with this arrangement is that neither a thunderbird copy operation, nor an X selection on a thunderbird window, are available within VNC for pasting. vice versa works fine. so to make the hop from thunderbird to vnc i paste in an xterm, re-select there, then paste in vnc. i would prefer something a bit less cumbersome, though not at the expense of either kde or gnome bloat. any suggestion? one of the best solutions i have is to also run thunderbird in the vnc window. that works, though still begs the question for other apps i run outside of vnc. and there are a couple small problems with running thunderbird that way, one being bloat on old machines (thunderbird and firefox together just too much), and another being i get completely different fonts in the thunderbird window inside vnc. i suppose the latter problem might have a solution if i go hunting to see where the different font defaults come from inside versus outside of vnc. tia, greg wm