On Dec 6, 2007 9:13 PM, Isaac Atilano <aristophrenic at warpmail.net> wrote:

My $0.02:

There are two distinct classes of things that need timestamps:

[1] times of physical system events, e.g. inode updates
[2] times of nonsystem events (calendar, genealogy, mortgage
    calculators, etc.)

A single 32-bit integer is OK for [1] (caveat: embedded systems
running continuously for the next 30 years are in for a rude
awakening).  Your desktop won't be running in 30 years.  Sorry, it
just won't.

A single 32-bit integer is not OK for [2].  Many good examples of this
appear in this thread.  This is yet just another instance of people
using something in a way its designers did not intend it to be used.

One solution I heard on the Perl 6 list was to use a 64-bit floating
point value for time, and to reset the Epoch to 1 January 2000.  I'm
not sure what I think about this.