I just documented putting Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) on my ThinkPad 
750P. Just to give you some idea of the difficulty, here are some of the 
specs of this machine:

+ 33MHz 80486 CPU
+ 36MB RAM
+ 5.1GB Disk
+ Floppy drive
+ 10.4" 640x480 gray scale display
- No CD drive at all
- No USB ports

I would really appreciate any tips on how to get the rest of the system 
working: Function keys, sound, TrackPoint, suspend/resume.

If anyone is up for porting the WD90C24 video driver to, that 
would be most appreciated! :)  I might actually be able to help with 
that one.

I'd like to get the pen working (yes, it's a convertible!) but that 
doesn't seem very useful without X.
