On 1/7/07, Justin Kremer <justin.kremer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/7/07, Donovan Niesen <dniesen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > What
> > I mean is that while df shows 26GB used, du of that same mount show
> > only 7.4 GB used.  It seems that MySQL may be chomping some space in a
> > weird way because when I restart the MySQL server the space reappears.
> I remember seeing a discussion about this a while back.
> http://mailman.real-time.com/pipermail/tclug-list/2004-May.txt
> Search for "where is my disk space" on that page.  I'm guessing that
> MySQL is keeping "deleted" files open, similar to what Tom was seeing
> with his app, and that's why restarting MySQL frees up the space.
> - Justin
> _______________________________________________
> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at mn-linux.org
> http://mailman.mn-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/tclug-list

This must be it.  I have a script that updates the db on machine every
day from an outside source; I have a feeling either MySQL or some
error in my script must be unlinking a file and letting it hang out.
Thanks guys!

Donovan Niesen