On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Sidney Cammeresi wrote:

> You are ignoring a lot of evidence.  The blogs are filled with info 
> coming out of Microsoft about how much of a lumbering behemoth that 
> company has become.  Engineers buried under layers upon layers upon 
> layers of management.  Source code changes can take 3-6 months just to 
> get from one end of the company to the other.  These aren't things one 
> fixes just by throwing money at the problem, and that grants that there 
> is even someone at the company with vision enough to make the needed 
> changes, but I will not grant that fact.

I hope you are right!

> Never mind the historical evidence to the contrary.  E.g. IBM which was 
> another `unstoppable monopoly.' Unfortunately (for the 
> anti-capitalists), IBM fell from dominance not because of trustbusting, 
> but because mainframes were rendered obsolete by desktop computing, and 
> they did not adapt to this fact.  It's not all about who controls the 
> means of production if one has the insight to turn an industry on its 
> head.

IBM hasn't been stopped as far as I can see.  In fact, they still sell 
mainframes.  They were first to develop a widely-adopted desktop computer 
design.  They are currently big Linux advocates.  I don't think IBM was 
ever as dominant in computing as Microsoft has been in desktop OS software 
-- they had HP, DEC, Wang, Cray, etc. to compete with.  It takes a long 
time for a "lumbering behemoth" to fall!

> Also, Karl Marx is wearing no clothes.

I'm not sure what that means, but I understand that you are the Emperor:

> http://www.cheesecake.org/sac/
