On 3/1/07, John Hawley <jhawley at hissingdragon.net> wrote:
> Hey,
> I've got this old HP Pavilion that I'm trying to do a Debian network
> install on.  I've got it PXE booting fine off my tftp server, but when
> it gets to the point of doing the 'base system' install it bombs with a
> debootstrap error that says 'Release file signed by unknown key' and
> won't let me proceed (this is etch).
> I realize that there are various ways to fix this on a system that is
> already running, but my options seem limited with the minimal install
> environment here.  Anyone know a work around?  Disable the security?
> Find the proper key?
> I should be able to run debootstrap manually from a different tty if I
> knew what the syntax might be.
> ... something along these lines?
> wget http://ftp-master.debian.org/ziyi_key_2006.asc (there doesn't seem
> to be a 2007 one.)
> debootstrap --keyring=?? ... ??

I ran into a problem like this recently.  My nfsroot (that was used
for performing the install) had root squash on like normal, but the
keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg) was root owned with restrictive
permissions, so the client could not read it.


Jay Kline